Wednesday, February 3, 2010

USA: Brooks adds papaya box, beefs up laboratory

The Packer - 2 Feb 2010

Brooks Tropicals Inc., Homestead, Fla., is introducing a new papaya box, has upgraded its quality control laboratory and has brought in some new personnel to help it improve papaya deliveries. ... read more...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

EU Imports: Demand Meltdown

by David Ivanovic (Dakar, Sénégal)

Latest Eurostat figures show a substantial drop in European imports of papayas. For the first ten months of 2009, shipments (26,638 mt) went down by 12% when compared with the same period in 2008 (30,257 mt).

EU-15 Papaya Imports (January to October, in metric tonnes)


Brazilian volumes shrinked by 15%, from nearly 20,000 mt to just under 17,000 tons; La Fruitière interrupted its shipments from Cote d’Ivoire last August, representing a 63% drop (2,900 vs 1,000 mt).